Mediterranean Salad Bowl with Roasted Chickpeas
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prep Time
Cook Time
• Summer Fresh Chickpeas & Roasted Pinenut Hummus
• 1 ½ cups greens of choice
• ¼ cup cherry tomatoes sliced in half
• cucumber sliced
• ¼ cup cooked quinoa
• calamata olives
• 1/4 cup chopped raw yellow or orange pepper
• cliced red onion
• 1 can of chickpeas drained and rinsed
• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
• 1-2 teaspoons of garlic powder, smoked paprika salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Open can of chickpeas draining all liquid and thoroughly rinsing
3. Pat chickpeas dry with a paper towel removing any shells that fall off
4. Combine spices in a separate bowl
5. Coat dry chickpeas with olive oil, salt and pepper and lay evenly onto a prepared baking sheet lined with parchment paper
6. Roast chickpeas for roughly ten minutes and remove from the oven. Combine with spices and return to the oven to roast for an additional 20-25 minutes shaking the pan half way through. Chickpeas should be golden brown on the outside and soft in the middle once done.
To prepare your salad bowl begin with mixed greens of choice, top with diced vegetables, olives, roasted chickpeas and a large spoonful of Summer Fresh Chickpea & Roasted Pinenut Hummus.
Serve and Enjoy!